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BG-341 Spark Plugs


BG-341 Spark Plugs - Limited Quantities Available


Shipping Destination


Are you still spending over $20 each for spark plugs for your Continental 470/520 Engine? Does your engine call for an RHB32E plug? Did you know that a Military Surplus spark plug is STC'd (SE69WE) for many Continental Engines at something less than half the cost of Champion or Unison options? It is the BG-341 Spark Plug!


Note that the 520B and 550B/BB Engines are not listed in the STC documentation, but they do call for the RHB32E plug......You and your mechanic decide!


Check the Champion Application Listing Catalog HERE


See the BG-341 STC Numbers below and HERE


Download the STC provided by request of a the FAA by a CSOBeech visitor HERE


See the full set of STC Documents for this plug HERE

BG-341 Spark Plugs - Limited Quantities Available


Shipping Destination

Click HERE for BG341 Tech & Application Info



Six (6) IO-550 Overhauled Cylinders

Contact Mark Scott (info below)

See 8130s HERE

500 hours total time. 0 time since major overhaul. Overhauled by Certified Engines Unlimited 3/2024. They are complete assemblies, 8130-3's included. Asking $1,250 each cylinder.

Mark Scott
Falcon Air Inc.
P: (978) 689-4492
C: (978) 609-6617





Cash paid for Mid-time IO470N, or IO520BA/BB 281-831-7979