Because Owning And Flying Your Beechcraft Can Be Done Safely AND For Less Money!



2025 - Our 17th Year

Over 3.8 Million Page Loads of Beech Content Served Up!




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*On average, CSOBeech serves up over 650 pages of content each day and only a minuscule portion of our visitors donate. If each visitor gave only $1 a month, we could keep CSOBeech thriving for years to come. The price of a few cups of coffee per year would be greatly appreciated. It’s your generosity that keeps me motivated to keep CSOBeech content current and confirms to me that the investment of my time in the site matters to you. Your donation will insure that CSOBeech is here for you when you need it. I hope you’ll think about how valuable it is to have unlimited access to the information in In honor of our 14-Year Anniversary, please consider a $10 donation for your annual access. Thank you. CSOB1


USB/PD Panel Power Voltmeter Combos

Keep Your iPad/iPhone Powered on Long Trips

With This 67W USB Charger

(Keeps my fully running iPad mini6 fully charged >4hr trips)

Or This 95W Unit

Or This Monster 170W Unit


TailBeacon STC Finally Approved & Shipping!


Click HERE for a Bonanza tailBeacon install Pirep


Low Cost & Easy Install ADS-B Solutions



Download the Google Earth Map File for ADS-B Rule Airspace HERE

then open the file with Google Earth



Garmin Running Out of Repair Parts

for GNS 430/530 Units


Dynon Announces HUGE AML Expansion for SkyView


Can Non-TSO'd Equipment Be Installed in Certified Aircraft?


FAA Issues AD 2019-01-02 on Aspen EFD1000 and EFD500


FAA Issues AD Against NavWorx ADS-B Unit


FAA Portable Electronic Device (PED) Policy Clarification


Bi-Color LED (Red/Green)

Auxiliary Panel Repeater Indication of Gear Lights




USB/PD Panel Power Voltmeter Combos


G5 Screen Protector

Click the link below to buy ONE G5 Screen Protector Kit

Add additional Screen Protectors when the item is in your Cart


G5 Install Pirep




New STC Panel Mod for A35-N35 Bonanzas w/Piano Keys



Keep the original piano key switches and save a ton of dough!


6-Conductor Coiled Cord & Receptacle for Your Panel Makeover



Build Your Own ADS-B IN Unit for Under $150!



Phenomenally simple ADS-B IN Solution

for traffic and weather on your iPad!



iPad - An Incredible EFB!



iPad + FltPlan GO = One Powerful CSOB Chart Solution! (IMHO)


CSOB Aspen Pireps





Don't Be a Slave to Glitzy Glass Automation

(the "Sizzle Me Elmo" Glass)








  What's At CSOBeech

EAA AirVenture 2025 Countdown

FAA IPC Guidance

Baron & Twin Resources

FAA "Moss Interpretation"

Insurance: Broker of Record (BOR) Letter

Post-COVID FAA Medical Issuance

Could AOA Save YOUR Day?


Vintage Beech Gear Up Study Circa 1980


Beechcraft Bonanza: A Collection of Notes by Old Bob Siegfried


Proposed FAA Approach Eliminations (Excel Spreadsheet)


Myth Busting TBO - 2500 Hour Club


Gee Bee Hose, Duct & Seal Store


Warrantless Search Questionnaire


FAA Plane Sense Manual


Major or Minor Modification Guide


ABS Landing Gear Rigging Guide


Baron NA Training Guide  P & TC Guide


FAA 337 & Field Approval Guide


DHS Rules of Engagement for GA Stops   DEA LEO Guide


Big Baggage Door Mod


Asiana Remnants #1  #2  #3  #4


FAA Re-Registration Schedule


26 Easy Projects for the A36 


TCM Grounds Recent Engines w/PN 657915 Lifters     FAA AD 2010-11-04


TCM Cylinder AD 2009-19-07


Hudson Corridor NTSB Animation


CSOBeech Classified Advertising


Beer2OSH 2014


Commonly Missed Inspection Items


Wing Root Seal Install Pireps




1967 Baron Pricing & Specs Literature


TCM Recalls ~9,600 Cylinders    MSB


Colgan Regional Turboprop Animation


US Airways Ditching PowerPoint


CSOB1's Best BBQ & Restaurants


Garmin 396/496 Internal Battery Failure


Garmin 696 Mount Systems


ECi Cylinder Head Separation In-Flight


100LL Prices


FAA AD 2008-13-17 Breaker Switches


Redline Sidewinder - Powerful Portable Alternative to Gas Tugs


Ruddervator Bearing Replacement



  Essential CSOB Gear

Portable Air Pump for Landing Gear

Lightspeed Headsets & Accessories

Incredible Aircraft Cleaner/Polish

Powerful 12/24V USB Charger

LED Nav Bulbs

HEIM Landing Gear Rod Ends

Owner Assisted IA Directory

CSOB Official Nose Chock

Salvage & NOS Parts Sources

Sidewinder Replacement Battery

LED PAR36 Bulb $65

LED PAR46 Bulb $65

DIY Beech Jack Plans & Details

Bi-Color (Red/Green) LED for Auxiliary Panel Gear Indication

CSOB Fuel Storage & Transfer System

Build Your Own ~$150 Powered Towbar

Desser Retread-Cost Effective Tire Option

CSOB Cylinder Inspection Camera Now $52

Phenomenal Paperless EFB - The iPad

Low Cost XM Wx in Your Cockpit Find Out

CSOB Grease Zerk Covers

CSOB Spark Plugs for Many 470/520 Engines


Static Cling Window Tint Film - Cost Effective and Good Looking Window Treatment


CSOB Pulse Oximeters - NOW $30 Don't Fly High Without One


CSOB Oxygen Filling System


HID Light Kits - $280 PAR36 and PAR46




Bringing Logbooks Into the 21st Century


airports Aviation Fuel

Used Aircraft Part Sales

KFWQ Beechcraft Maintenance


Cell LTE/4G Remote Switch

Great Aviation Law Firm

Outstanding Beech


Approach Plates