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  What's At CSOBeech

EAA AirVenture 2025 Countdown

FAA IPC Guidance

Baron & Twin Resources

FAA "Moss Interpretation"

Insurance: Broker of Record (BOR) Letter

Post-COVID FAA Medical Issuance

Could AOA Save YOUR Day?


Vintage Beech Gear Up Study Circa 1980


Beechcraft Bonanza: A Collection of Notes by Old Bob Siegfried


Proposed FAA Approach Eliminations (Excel Spreadsheet)


Myth Busting TBO - 2500 Hour Club


Gee Bee Hose, Duct & Seal Store


Warrantless Search Questionnaire


FAA Plane Sense Manual


Major or Minor Modification Guide


ABS Landing Gear Rigging Guide


Baron NA Training Guide  P & TC Guide


FAA 337 & Field Approval Guide


DHS Rules of Engagement for GA Stops   DEA LEO Guide


Big Baggage Door Mod


Asiana Remnants #1  #2  #3  #4


FAA Re-Registration Schedule


26 Easy Projects for the A36 


TCM Grounds Recent Engines w/PN 657915 Lifters     FAA AD 2010-11-04


TCM Cylinder AD 2009-19-07


Hudson Corridor NTSB Animation


CSOBeech Classified Advertising


Beer2OSH 2014


Commonly Missed Inspection Items


Wing Root Seal Install Pireps




1967 Baron Pricing & Specs Literature


TCM Recalls ~9,600 Cylinders    MSB


Colgan Regional Turboprop Animation


US Airways Ditching PowerPoint


CSOB1's Best BBQ & Restaurants


Garmin 396/496 Internal Battery Failure


Garmin 696 Mount Systems


ECi Cylinder Head Separation In-Flight


100LL Prices


FAA AD 2008-13-17 Breaker Switches


Redline Sidewinder - Powerful Portable Alternative to Gas Tugs


Ruddervator Bearing Replacement



  Essential CSOB Gear

Portable Air Pump for Landing Gear

Lightspeed Headsets & Accessories

Incredible Aircraft Cleaner/Polish

Powerful 12/24V USB Charger

LED Nav Bulbs

HEIM Landing Gear Rod Ends

Owner Assisted IA Directory

CSOB Official Nose Chock

Salvage & NOS Parts Sources

Sidewinder Replacement Battery

LED PAR36 Bulb $65

LED PAR46 Bulb $65

DIY Beech Jack Plans & Details

Bi-Color (Red/Green) LED for Auxiliary Panel Gear Indication

CSOB Fuel Storage & Transfer System

Build Your Own ~$150 Powered Towbar

Desser Retread-Cost Effective Tire Option

CSOB Cylinder Inspection Camera Now $52

Phenomenal Paperless EFB - The iPad

Low Cost XM Wx in Your Cockpit Find Out

CSOB Grease Zerk Covers

CSOB Spark Plugs for Many 470/520 Engines


Static Cling Window Tint Film - Cost Effective and Good Looking Window Treatment


CSOB Pulse Oximeters - NOW $30 Don't Fly High Without One


CSOB Oxygen Filling System


HID Light Kits - $280 PAR36 and PAR46



Bringing Logbooks Into the 21st Century


airports Aviation Fuel

Used Aircraft Part Sales

KFWQ Beechcraft Maintenance


Cell LTE/4G Remote Switch

Great Aviation Law Firm

Outstanding Beech


Approach Plates