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PAR36 LED @ $65






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Don't see what you need in my archive? Try some of these other PDF Download Sites:


Beechcraft Now Offering FREE IPC Downloads


ABS Hosting Bonanza/Baron/Travel Air POHs - Become a Member!


[   ] ACK E-01 ELT Manual.pdf 19-May-2007 10:48   885K Uses Conventional "D" Batteries!


[   ] ACK E-04 406MHz/121.5 ELT Install Manual.pdf 29-Sept-2018 10:48   976K


[   ] ADC Spin On Filter Manual.pdf 16-August-2017 10:48   2.3MB  STC-SA00402SE    STC-SE5743NM


[   ] Aircraft Performance Data Spreadsheet.xls 02-July-2009 12:04         114k


[   ] Alpha Systems AOA Manual.pdf 07-February-2014 09:04         3.1MB

AN Hose Fittings Catalog.pdf 06-December-2024 11:19         2MB


[   ] Astrotech LC2 Chrono Manual.pdf 07-February-2014 10:04         21k

Aurora Aircraft Bearings Guidebook (AF15).pdf 03-July-2020 10:04         1.5MB

Aurora Bearing Catalog.pdf 03-July-2020 10:14         5.4MB


[   ] Baron T-42 Military Assessment Report.pdf 13-Oct-2013 08:30       1.6MB

Baron B55 Early (1963) POH.pdf 19-Dec-2024 18:06       22.5MB


[   ] Baron & Travel Air TCDS.pdf 02-May-2007 12:04         249k


[   ] Baron Battery Drain Mast Removal SB 53-3450.pdf 02-May-2013 10:35         126k


[   ] Bonanza TCDS.pdf 02-July-2009 12:04         150k


[   ] Battery Backup Circuit.pdf 02-May-2007 12:05     289k


[   ] Beech E225-8 Power Chart.pdf 12-Aug-2019 18:37     460k


[   ] Beech Gear Motor IPC PN: 50-380114 and 50-810146 3-Jan-2019

        Tool Image #1   Tool Image #2   Tool Image #3   Tool Image #4

        Gear Motor Removal Image #1   Gear Motor Removal Image #2


[   ] Beech Jack Plans by Chuck Roberts (RIP).pdf 18-Feb-2019 10:07     13MB














[   ] Bendix ADF12D Maintenance Manual.pdf 30-Oct-2017


[   ] Bendix ADF12 Install Manual.pdf 30-Oct-2017


[   ] Bendix ADF12 Pilot Manual.pdf 30-Oct-2017


[   ] Bendix ADF12 Install Operations Data.pdf 30-Oct-2017


[   ] Bendix ADF12 Maintenance Manual.pdf 30-Oct-2017


[   ] BDS Air/Oil Separator Install Manual & Example 337.pdf 14-Nov-2015 12:05     249k


[   ] 3 Light Gear Indication Conversion.pdf 02-May-2007 10:57     1.4MB


[   ] Microswitch MS25026-1 aka AN3210-1 aka BZ-R31.pdf 02-May-2007 12:06     45k

Used in Landing Gear & Flap Limit Switches. Carrying one of these in your little box of spares in your plane might be a good idea. Imagine being on a trip and your flaps get stuck because one of the limit switches failed. CSOBeech now offers these scarce BZ-R31 Microswitches-Just Click Buy It Now Button Below

Shipping Options

Beech Lister Greg G. reports that Bonanzas D-4866 through D-9068 use this BZ-R31 switch. Check your parts catalog to be sure you get the proper part for your serial number.


Here is the BZ-3YT (SPDT) switch available for about $24 used in later Baron landing gear systems as the up/down limit switch to power heater blower motor when gear is down and the 2nd heater fuel pump when the gear is up. Also possibly used in >D-9068 Bonanzas. AKA MS25383-1 and AKA AN3216-1. The BZ-3AT might also be considered as it does not have the Common terminal which is not used anyway. Always check your parts catalog to be sure.



Support Buy the BZ-3YT / MS25383-1 Micro switch below:

BUY NOS BZ-3YT / MS25383-1 Below

Shipping Option

You will only get the switch, NOT the lever actuator arm. If you need this arm, it can be found at Allied Electronics HERE PN: AD5721R for $14. AKA AN-3169-1 a data sheet on it is HERE. The arm sleuthing courtesy of Beech Lister Jim H.



[   ] Beech Parts Substitution List September 9, 2018.pdf 09-Sep-2018 11:37 Updated List HERE  505k


[   ] Beech Pre-Purchase.pdf 02-May-2007 12:07     488k (Courtesy of ABS. Please Join this fine Organization)


[   ] Beech Serialization Listing by Year.pdf 06-May-2016 09:37     297k


[   ] Beech Shimmy Dampner Maintenance.pdf 21-June-2009 10:07     918k (Courtesy of B2OSH )

Beech Voltage Regulator 60-389017-1 Maintenance Manual.pdf 23-October-2024 09:07  3.7MB

[   ] Bendix Series 10-357000 Ignition Switch Maintenance and Parts Diagram.pdf 29-Mar-2009 10:05  156K


[   ] Bendix SB 583 Faulty Ignition Switch Detection Procedures.pdf 29-Mar-2009 10:15  156K


[   ] Bendix Magneto P-Lead Attachment Diagram.pdf 25-Jan-2012 07:55  156K


[   ] Bendix PS-Carburetor Manual 23-Aug-2009 09:15  4MB


[   ] BFG Prop De-Ice Maintenance Manual for Brush Assemblies 30-60-01.pdf 17-May-2009 07:37     606k


[   ] BFG Prop De-Ice Installation & Maintenance Manual 30-60-02.pdf 17-May-2009 07:37     845k

Bonanza Landing Gear Motor IPC & Maintenance Manual.pdf 19-Dec-2024 10:50   283K


[   ] Brackett Air Filter Catalog.pdf 21-Feb-2011 10:50   4MB


[   ] Britain B4 Installation, Operations, Maintenance & Service Manual.pdf 10-Jul-2019     487K


[   ] Chadwick Helmuth Balancer Manual.pdf 13-May-2009 13:50   9MB  


Century 2000 Wiring Diagram.pdf 06-Jan-2024 11:35     4.1MB

[   ] Century I Autopilot Manual.pdf 08-Nov-2009 08:59     195k


[   ] Century I Autopilot AFM Supplement.pdf 08-Nov-2009 08:59     75k


[   ] Century I Autopilot STC.pdf 08-Nov-2009 08:59     81k


[   ] Century I Adjustment Procedure.pdf 08-Nov-2009 08:59     25k


[   ] Century II & III Autopilot Service Manual.pdf 23-Aug-2009 09:17     14MB


[   ] Century III Autopilot Manual.pdf 02-May-2007 10:59     206k


Century III Adjustments Diagram.pdf 30-Jan-2012 13:02     30k

 Century III Adjustments Trimpots.pdf 08-Jun-2020 09:55     116k

[   ] Century III Wiring.pdf 02-May-2007 10:59     90k

Century IV Maintenance Manual.pdf 04-Dec-2021 10:59     HUGE FILE 112MB


[   ] Century NSD360 & NSD1000 Pilot Guide.pdf 13-Nov-2009 06:59     770k


[   ]Cleveland 199-49 Conversion Kit Install Manual & Parts List.pdf 17-Feb-2012 22:10   12.0MB


[   ] Cleveland Brake Maintenance Manual.pdf 24-Jan-2010 11:45     1MB


[   ] Cleveland Complete Wheel & Brake Catalog-January 2016.pdf 18-May-2016 14:30     9.3MB


[   ] Cleveland 6-Inch Wheel Caliper Catalog.pdf 15-Nov-2007 10:59     1.3MB


[   ] Cleveland 8-Inch Wheel Caliper Catalog.pdf 15-Nov-2007 10:59     417k


[   ] Cleveland 10-Inch Wheel Caliper Catalog.pdf 15-Nov-2007 10:59     1.5MB


[   ] Cleveland Brake 30-66.pdf 02-May-2007 10:59     276k


[   ] Cleveland Brake 30-93.pdf 02-May-2007 11:00     1MB


[   ] Cleveland Wheel 40-128.pdf 02-May-2007 11:02     841K


[   ] Cleveland Wheel 40-98.pdf 02-May-2007 11:02     1MB


[   ] Cleveland Brake Beech Listings.pdf 02-May-2007 11:03     678K


[   ] Cleveland Brake Cross Reference.pdf 02-May-2007 11:05     202K


[   ] Cleveland Brake Conversion Kits.pdf 02-May-2007 11:04     1.1MB


[   ] Cleveland Wheel Refinishing Guide.pdf 21-April-2009 19:54     60K

Colemill Baron B55 w/IO-520E POH Supplement.pdf 144-March-2023 09:16     800K

[   ] Colemill Baron B55 w/IO-550E Operating Tips Publication.pdf 04-Oct-2015 09:16     2.6MB


[   ] Davtron C307PS Temperature Probe Mounting Drawing.pdf 18-Oct-2019  10:07     11.9MB


[   ] Delco Old Style Voltage Regulator Service Bulletin 1953.pdf 04-Jan-2017  13:05     1.8MB


[   ] Delco Old Style Voltage Regulator Manual August 1960.pdf 28-Dec-2008 09:05     732K


[   ] Delco Old Generators Manual July 1961.pdf 28-Dec-2008 09:08     5.1MB


[   ] Eclipse E-80 Starter Manual and Parts Catalog.pdf 22-Oct-2010 06:45     14.2MB


[   ] EDM760 Install.pdf 02-May-2007 11:05 321K

Not Cheap, but pays for itself in fuel savings and engine diagnostics! Get the Fuel Flow option and oil temp probes installed and connect the EDM 760 to your GPS and know your instantaneous NM/gal and Fuel Remaining at Destination.


Fuel exhaustion is so "Old School"! I would install Fuel Flow linked to my GPS before I bought a wiz bang GPSS or WAAS stuff, but that's just me. After all, one of the biggest causes of engine stoppages is fuel mis-management.


Additionally, if your engine ever had a runability issue, the data download of the EDM760 can be sent to any number of engine experts for analysis and greatly shorten your troubleshooting time.


Here's a helpful article by Mike Busch: "Interpreting Your Engine Monitor" Just register with Avweb to view it, it's CSOB free!


[   ] EDM700 Install Manual.pdf 04-March-2009 08:56 520K

FAA Instrument Procedures Handbook.pdf 06-Jan-2024 11:39 37MB


[   ] FAA Flammability Testing Requirements.pdf 11-Mar-2019 14:11 450K


[   ] FAA Owner Produced Parts Guidance Presentation.pdf 06-Jan-2017 12:10 18MB


[   ] Flight Extender Tip Tank Install Manual.pdf 14-Jan-2015 17:23 2.2MB


[   ] Goodyear Tire Data.pdf 28-Dec-2008 08:55     2.8MB


[   ] Goodyear Tire Maintenance Manual.pdf 28-Dec-2008 08:50     4.9MB


[   ] Guest Battery Charger/Maintainer Catalog.pdf 05-Nov-2007 21:09  800K

  IMHO, the Model 2620 is an excellent 24v choice for maintaining your batteries. It will not boil or overcharge your battery. Been using mine for 4 years and my Concorde batteries are still quite healthy. Good choice for doing gear swings or when at the avionics shop or in cold weather climates for that extra "edge" in cranking power!



Don't be a Gear Collapse Statistic!

CHANGE YOUR ROD ENDS AND ACTUATOR ROD SPRINGS SOMETIME BEFORE 4,000 TT some factory manuals and the ABS organization recommend 2,000 hours!



See below for what happens to a 7,000 hr TT Rod End and see how the tensioning spring is nearly "Stacked"! This is also known as the "run it 'till it fails" maintenance philosophy.



Buy your genuine HEIM Rod Ends from CSOBeech HERE


Visit the Rod End Page of HERE Still not convinced?




Do you have Sloppy Nose Steering? See the Steering Page HERE for places to remove linkage play.


The Bushing #48 on the idler arm in the Part Diagram is often neglected. If/when you change bushing #48 ask your mechanic about drilling it and fitting it with a grease zerk fitting. An experienced Beech Lister has reported that you DO NOT have to remove the co-pilot rudder pedal shaft to remove this idler arm. Simply remove the outer hardware and rotate the arm aft to clear the nose gear cavity, then slide the idler arm off the shaft!


You can use the Aurora Rod Ends available from Aircraft Spruce and others if you want, however, compare the strength specs for yourself, then decide. CSOB1 is sticking with the Heim bearings, thank you very much!


A HEIM Rod End Cross Reference Catalog is HERE. Don't forget to put in all new nut and bolt hardware with your shiny new rod ends. Get great AN and MS hardware HERE


New Heim Rod End Catalog is at:


Landing Gear Nose Gear Actuator Rod HM-5S (1) Nose Gear Actuator Rod Front

Aft Rod HML-6 (1) Aft Rod end, rear

Aft Rod HM-5S (1) Aft Rod, front rod end

Nose Wheel Steering Mechanism MD46-15 (1) Aft rod end, connect to rudder pedals

Nose Wheel Steering Mechanism HM-4 (1) Front Flexible steering link

Right Main Doors HM-4 (4) Outer gear door

Right Main Actuating Rod HM-6 (1) In board gear door

Left Main Doors HM-4 (4) Outer gear door

Left Main Actuating Rods HM-6 (1) In board gear door

Ailerons Right Assy HM4 (1) control rod

Right Assy HML-4 (1) control rod

Left Assy HM4 (1) control rod

Left Assy HML-4 (1) control rod

Aft Fuselage Differential Cntrl Assy MD46-15 (4) Differential Push Rods


Do not completely rely on this chart! Check your Parts Catalog to be sure OR, remove what is on your plane and replace with the same size rod end. Above Chart Courtesy of:


The HM5 is a smaller rod end 5/16" x 24 that was used in the earlier nose gear linkage designs (with HM6 at the transmission arm). The next iteration of gear rods used a heavier 3/8" x 24 shaft which is the HMX5 (and the heavier HMX6 at the transmission arm).

One can look up the specs of the HM and HMX rod ends in the Heim Catalog. You will note that the rod ends WITHOUT a lubricator (grease zerk or flush grease fitting) have significantly higher strength. You and your mechanic decide what you want to do there, especially if you find the factory selection to be without a lubrication fitting.


As of 9/13/2018, HEIM had no stock on HMX5 rod ends, so here is a SealMaster Rod End bearing catalog that you can compare specs to the HEIM specs. You might look at ARE5-20 on Page J-15. Also, HEIM lists the SealMaster ARE-5-20 as an interchange for their HMX5 in this Interchange Guide. Look at Page 4 of the HEIM Interchange Guide for the reference.


I believe the ADNE5-323 is a PN that Beech brought to market when they moved off the Heim brand HMX5 rod end and went to a rod end made by Aurora Bearing. Check the specs on the Aurora rod ends HERE to compare to the Heim product. This ADNE5 PN might likely appear in later model Beech parts catalogs.

Checking your older IPC or removing your existing rod ends is the surest way to determine what rod ends your aircraft was fitted with from the factory. Or, as I think about it, you could take a caliper under there and check the diameter of the shaft. If 5/16" (nominally 0.3125") then you have a HM5, if 3/8" (nominally 0.375") then you have a HMX5.


If you need any HEIM rod ends, please check out the offering below. Your purchases support this site.


Genuine HEIM HM4. HM5, HMX5, HML6 and HM6 Rod Ends



[   ] Hartzell Beechcraft Propeller Selection Guide.pdf 29-Aug-2018 21:09  800K


[   ] Hartzell Propeller Owner's Manual #115N.pdf 03-Dec-2018 16:13  3.4MB


[   ] Heated Pitot Tube Install Guidance for Older Bonanzas 33-001022.pdf 15-Jan-2019 12:32  490K


[   ] Heim Rod End Catalog.pdf 18-Sept-2007 10:09  1.6MB

[   ] Icarus SAM Install Manual.pdf 20-October-2011 06:56 900K

Icarus SAM POH.pdf 01-June-2023 07:51 770K


[   ] Interav 1255A Alternator Install Manual - STC SA334SW.pdf 14-October-2017 11:57 1MB

Interav 1255A Alternator Install Manual #2 - STC SA334SW.pdf 09-June-2020 12:57 1MB


[   ] Janitrol S-Series Heater Maintenance Manual.pdf 25-Nov-2010 10:20:05  1MB


[   ] Janitrol Heater Overhaul & Maintenance Manual 1981.pdf 25-Nov-2010 10:20:05  1MB


[   ] Jepp E6B Manual.pdf 07-Feb-2014 10:20  6.2MB


[   ] JPI FS-450 Install Manual.pdf 04-March-2009 09:25 81K


[   ] JPI FS-450 Pilot Guide.pdf 04-March-2009 09:30 224K


[   ] JPI EDM 700 Pilot Guide.pdf 07-Feb-2014 10:30 300K


[   ] KFC 150/KAP 150 Auto Pilot Guide.pdf 11-Apr-2009 12:20:05  21MB


[   ] KFC-150 Install Manual.pdf 01-June-2014 11:35  2.2MB


[   ] KFC-200.pdf 02-May-2007 11:35  8.9MB


KI209 Install Manual.pdf 29-May-2023 14:39    500K

[   ] KI209A Maintenance Manual.pdf 09-March-2010 21:12    6.0MB


[   ] KLN-89B Install.pdf 11-April-2009 11:12    7.5MB


[   ] KLN-89B Pilot Guide.pdf 29-Sept-2012 17:32    7.5MB


[   ] KLN94 Install.pdf 02-May-2007 11:12    2.5MB


[   ] KLN94 Pilot Guide.pdf 07-Feb-2014 10:20  8MB


[   ] KLN94 Quick Reference Guide.pdf 07-Feb-2014 10:20  89k


[   ] KLN90B Pilot Guide.pdf 23-Nov-2008 09:18    2.5MB


[   ] KLX-135A Pilot Guide.pdf 12-Nov-2009 06:45   1.0MB


[   ] KMA-24 Install.pdf 06-May-2007 08:17   1.5MB


[   ] KMA-20 Manual.pdf 23-Sept-2017 12:17   650K


[   ] KMA-24 Pinout.pdf 11-April-2011 06:17   57K


[   ] KMD150 Install.pdf 02-May-2007 11:48   22.8MB


[   ] KS271C Servo Manual.pdf 25-March-20 11:26   2MB


[   ] KX-125 Install.pdf 12-Nov-2009 06:45   2.8MB


[   ] KX-155/165 Install.pdf 12-Nov-2009 06:45   3.1MB


[   ] KX-170B/175B Install.pdf 31-Oct-2017 3MB


[   ] KNS-80 Install.pdf 02-May-2007 11:37   5.4MB


KNS-80 Maintenance Manual.pdf 22-Jan-2021 11:37   34.2MB

KNS-80 Pilot's Guide.pdf 22-Jan-2021 11:37   4.3MB

KNS-81 Maintenance Manual.pdf 22-Jan-2021 11:37   19.3MB

[   ] L39 Aircraft Data.pdf 19-Feb-2010 07:30   205K


[   ] Lamb Landing Gear 28V Motor IPC & Maintenance Manual.pdf 06-Jan-2016 17:35      405k


[   ] Lord Engine Mount Catalog.pdf 22-Feb-2009 20:30   205K


[   ] M2001 Digital Voltmeter Documentation.pdf Much More than a Voltmeter!

(Courtesy of Beech Lister Ron G's Digging) 31-Aug-2008 11:37   4.0MB


[   ] NARCO MK12D+ Manual.pdf 13-Feb-2009 11:37   92K


[   ] NARCO AT150 Install Manual.pdf 1-Feb-2012 10:37   1.4MB


[   ] NARCO AT165 Install Manual.pdf 1-Feb-2012 10:37   700K


[   ] NARCO MK12D Manual.pdf 13-Feb-2009 11:37   226K


[   ] NARCO MK12D Nav Pinout.pdf 13-Feb-2009 11:37   35K


[   ] NARCO MK12D Pinout.pdf 13-Feb-2009 11:37   101K


[   ] NARCO MK12D Post-Install Procedures.pdf 13-Feb-2009 11:37   907K


[   ] NARCO Nav 121/Nav122 Parts Schematic  NARCO Nav 121/122 Mhz & OBS Gear Fix



[   ] NARCO IDME 891 Manual NARCO IDME 891 Pinout


[   ] Nonin 9500 Oximeter Manual.pdf 07-Feb-2014 10:20  8MB


[   ] O-Ring Cross Reference Guide.pdf 07-Apr-2012 23:15:   1940K


[   ] Oilamatic Pre-Oiler Install Manual.pdf 29-Aug-2013 20:50  4.4MB

[   ] OTTO T5-0055 Switch.pdf 02-May-2007 11:39 787k See it in use Here


[   ] Prestolite Starter & Alternator Overhaul Manual 1985.pdf 28-Dec-2008 09:27     8.0MB


[   ] Push-to-Test Bulb.pdf 02-May-2007 16:27     1.9MB


[   ] Pulselite Install Manual.pdf 04-March-2009 09:30   301K


[   ] RAPCO Brake Listings Catalog.pdf 19-May-2007 09:57 268K


[   ] Sandel SN3308 Install.pdf 02-May-2007 11:42 973k


[   ] Sandel SN3308 Manual.pdf 02-May-2007 11:39 34k


[   ] Sandel SN3308 Pilot Guide.pdf 18-June-2013 11:39 718k


[   ] Sandia SAE5-35 Encoder Install.pdf 16-May-2007 11:39 107k

[   ] Scott PN: 4200-A1 Parking Brake Valve Internals Diagram.jpeg 28-Feb-2019 11:39 100k


[   ] Sporty's JD200 Transceiver Manual.pdf 07-Feb-2014 10:20  273k


[   ] S-Tec 55 Manual.pdf 04-March-2009 09:39  2.1MB


[   ] S-Tec 30 Manual.pdf 09-Jan-2016 09:39  34MB


[   ] S-Tec Dwg7603-RollServo-Install.pdf 09-Jan-2016 09:39  4MB


[   ] S-Tec Dwg7612-RollServo-Install.pdf 09-Jan-2016 09:39  5.2MB


[   ] S-Tec Dwg7633-PitchServo-Install.pdf 09-Jan-2016 09:39  4.6MB


[   ] S-Tec Dwg76268-ControlWheelSwitches-Install.pdf 09-Jan-2016 09:39  2.4MB


[   ] S-Tec Dwg76278-ControlWheelSwitches-Install.pdf 09-Jan-2016 09:39  2.5MB


[   ] S-Tec Dwg76976-PitchComputer-Install.pdf 09-Jan-2016 09:39  4.2MB


[   ] S-Tec 60 Pitch Stabilization Manual.pdf 17-Feb-2012 21:25  5.1MB


[   ] S-Tec to King Flight Director Interface Diagram.pdf 28-Nov-2011 21:39  2.3MB


[   ] S-Tec Service Manual.pdf 04-March-2009 09:45  1.5MB


[   ] Shadin Miniflo-L Manual.pdf 17-May-2010 06:45  250K

[   ] Skyforce IIIC Manual.pdf 02-May-2007 11:42  927k The CSOB's Moving Map with Airways!



[   ] Skyforce Brochure and Skyforce Pilot Guide Rev. 9 2006


[   ] Slick 4300/6300 Mag Overhaul [   ] Slick Part Diagram  [   ] Slick Part Catalog [   ] Slick SB: 1-12 


[   ] Slick Harness Listings

Powerup (Formerly Slick) Magneto Maintenance Manual.pdf 16-May-2007 11:39 9.5MB


[   ] Sony PRS-505 Service Manual 09-January-2010 07:31 5.8MB

                      Sony Reader Battery Replacement HERE


[   ] TCM Compression & Borescope Procedure SB03-3 03-April-2008 07:31 1.2MB


[   ] TCM Engine Break-In.pdf 03-May-2007 17:31 154k


[   ] TCM Fuel Injection Overhaul & Parts Manual #X30593A.pdf  20-Sept-2019 09:21 15.1MB


[   ] TCM Ignition/Magneto Switches Manual.pdf  15-August-2017 19:55 845K


[   ] TCM SBM76-4.pdf  17-July-2017 16:30 92K

TCM crankshaft seal replacement procedure.

[   ] TCM SB94-2.pdf  15-April-2008 22:30 92K

TCM has received field reports that the oil filter mounting stud on the oil filter adapter housing of some engines have become loose allowing the stud to screw into the housing and provide less than the specified stud extension. Check this SB to see if it applies to your engine.

TCM SB M47-16.12-30-47.pdf  14-Sept-2018 13:30 1.5MB

TCM SB dealing with conversion of A-Series engines.

TCM SB M89-9.pdf  18-June-2018 13:30 94K

TCM SB dealing with excessive crankcase pressure evaluation.

TCM Mandatory SB M94-8D.pdf  18-June-2018 13:30 152K

To provide magneto to engine timing procedures for all TCM engines.

TCM SB M90-17.pdf  18-June-2013 13:30 800K

TCM SB dealing with excessive crankcase pressure evaluation.

TCM SB dealing with cracked cases and the Go/No-Go specifics and repair options.

[   ] TCM SB01-1.pdf  01-May-2008 22:30 300K

To Provide A Leak Test Procedure To Insure Integrity Of Basic Fuel Pump Fuel Seal On Fuel Pump Assemblies Manufactured Between July 1, 1998 And May 31, 2000.


IO-240, IO-360, IO-346, O-470-G7, O-470-G10, O-470-GCI, IO-470, GIO-470, IO-520, LIO-520, IO-550, GIO-550, LTSIO-360, TSIO-360, TSIO-470, TSIO-520, TSIO-550, TSIOL-550, GTSIO-520 model engines with P/N 642932-1, 2, 3 & 4 basic fuel pump manufactured between July 1, 1998, and May 31, 2000. 


Any of the above listed engine models that have had a new or rebuilt engine driven fuel pump installed between July 1, 1998, and November 26, 2000. Any of the above listed engine models that have had an engine driven fuel pump overhauled using a new P/N 642932-1, 2, 3, or 4 basic fuel pump between July 1, 1998, and November 26, 2000.


[   ] TCM Shower of Sparks Ignition Vibrator Service Manual 28-June 2008 10:55  2.6MB


[   ] TCM Standard Practice Engine Maintenance Manual M-0 18-Jan 2023 17:55  37.1MB


[   ] TCM O-470 Maintenance Manual 15-Aug 2015 09:15  13.0MB


[   ] TCM 470 Overhaul Manual 01-April 2010 06:55  32.0MB


[   ] TCM 470 Parts Manual  TCM 470 IPC Extract 07-June 2010 21:55  8.0MB


[   ] TCM 470 Operating Manual 03-Sept 2016 15:39  2.4MB


[   ] TCM 520 Operations and Install Manual 15-Oct 2012 08:02  6.6MB

TCM 520 Illustrated Parts Catalog 1995 19-Dec 2024 08:02  5.2MB

TCM 520 Illustrated Parts Catalog 1969 19-Dec 2024 08:02  4.2MB


[   ] TCM TSIO-550 Operations and Install Manual 20-June 2018 08:02  7.5MB


[   ] TCM TSIO-550 Maintenance and Overhaul Manual M-18 20-June 2018 08:02  225MB


[   ] TCM 520 Overhaul Manual 15-Oct 2012 08:02  6.3MB


[   ] TCM 520 Maintenance Manual 15-Oct 2012 08:02  3.4MB


[   ] TCM E-Series Engine Overhaul Manual 19-March 2018 0917  5.9MB


[   ] TCM E-Series Engine Parts Catalog 16-August 2012 17:31  2.0MB


[   ] TCM Shower of Sparks Key Switch Schematic 30-November 2009 21:22  40k

[   ] TCM Standard Practices Maintenance Manual for Engines 10-Aug 2018 09:54  31.7MB

Technician's Notebook by Jerry Gordon.pdf 18-Jan-2021 17:31 154k


[   ] Terra Tri-Nav C Ops & Install Manual.pdf 19- Oct-2007 10:35 550k


[   ] uAvionix EchoUAT Install Manual.pdf 129-Sept-2018 10:48   6.5MB


[   ] VA1A-Volt Amp Meter.pdf 02-May-2007 16:19 290k See it in use Here

If you fly in IMC for much at all, please consider some form of Voltmeter or alternator out annunciation light for your panel. Early warning of an alternator failure or bus voltage problem BEFORE the battery is DEAD is very helpful, IMHO.


Big airplane saving tip follows: If you experience an alternator failure in flight (and don't know how long you were without charging because you don't have a voltmeter or alternator out light), if you extend the gear with the battery PLEASE give a check of the crank counterclockwise to confirm that you have a FULL extension and only about 1/4 turn to the mechanical stop of the transmission sector gear. When your plane is on jacks sometime and the gear is down, give a few turns of the crank CLOCKWISE and see how few turns it takes to break the nose gear down lock arm from over center. Click HERE to get a visual of what about 8 missing turns looks like on the down lock V-brace. You really want to make sure, via the crank, that your weakened battery got the gear completely down.


[   ] Whelen Aviation Lighting Catalog.pdf 02- Mar-2011 07:35   9.1MB


[   ] Whelen Install Manual.pdf 02- Mar-2011 07:30   1.7MB


[   ] Woodward Prop Governor TBO Bulletin.pdf 02- Mar-2011 07:30   1.7MB


[   ] Woodward Prop Synch Manual.pdf  Baron Prop Synch Guide.pdf


[   ] Zeftronics R251DR 24volt Voltage Regulator.pdf 16-May-2007 11:41 387k



My Favorite Automotive PDFs


[   ] BMW E46 Service Manual.pdf 01- Dec-2018 14:45   35MB


[   ] BMW 2003 E46 Owner's Manual.pdf 01- Dec-2018 14:30   3.3MB


[   ] BMW 2003 E53 Owner's Manual.pdf 01- Dec-2018 14:30   2.8MB


[   ] BMW 2011 F25 Owner's Manual.pdf 01- Dec-2018 14:30   11.7MB








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